A Lua (feminine) Der Mond (masculine) The Moon (neutral)
“Moon Talks” is a unique and immersive art installation that will transport visitors to the heart of the Moon’s rhythm and intelligence.
Presented in Berlin, the installation combines sound, video, mapping, and spatial architecture to create a truly one-of-a-kind experience.
Video projections of the Moon’s phases are displayed on a suspended
sphere, while a large round image of the Moon is printed on the bottom of a water pool. Mapping inside the pool creates visual effects, and invisible loudspeakers connected to the pool play recorded audio signals of the Moon, various audio frequencies related to the Moon, and sounds from the Golden Record, a collection of natural sounds, music, and spoken greetings selected by a committee chaired by Carl Sagan.
As visitors interact with the water, they can see and feel the resonance created by the sound, creating thousands of Moons on the surface. The installation encourages visitors to connect with the Moon in a new and magical way, and to surrender to something that is bigger than ourselves.
The Moon has always been a constant presence throughout human
existence and continues to illuminate the nights and control the tides.
The artist, Atom Seven, has a personal connection to the Moon, having grown up near the beach in Santo Amaro de Oeiras, near Lisbon, and talking to the Moon at a young age.
Moon Talks is a celebration of the Moon’s emotional intelligence and rhythm vibration and an opportunity for visitors to reconnect with nature and the universe in a truly unique way.
The Story Behind MOON TALKS
Atom Seven was a young boy with a passion for the moon. He would
often go out alone at night, on the beach near his house in Portugal,
and talk to the moon as if it were an old friend. He felt a deep connection to the light of the moon, and was fascinated by its dispassionateness and inconceivable mystery.
One night, as he was walking on the beach, he saw the moon rise out
of the clouds, and it was as if he was present at the creation of light and the world. He felt like he was on fire from within, and the moon seemed to live in the lining of his skin.
As he grew older, Atom Seven became an artist, and he felt like he was moon-struck. It was as if they had known each other all their lives. The moon would often come down to his heart to be with him, and they would dance together by the light of the moon.
But not everyone was happy about their love. Some people thought
that it was crazy and that Atom Seven was a lunatic. They didn’t
understand the relationship between lunatics and the moon, but it must be a strong one, if they used a word like that to describe the insane.
Despite the negativity, Atom Seven and the moon continued their love
affair. They would often go on adventures together, like traveling to the center of the milky way, which was not very far for them. They knew that man has so much farther to go within himself.
As their love grew stronger, they decided to create together an art installation called Moon Talks.
They invited all the stars and the sun to their exhibition, and they all rejoice dancing in deep joy.
After the art installation, and with all the money it generated , Atom Seven and the moon decided to build a library on the moon. They wanted to create a sanctuary of pure thought, a place apart from the real world where emotional wisdom was free and available for everyone to learn how to deal with their most deep emotions.
As they sat in their library on the moon, they knew that they had found true happiness. They meditated, lived purely, and did their work with mastery, like the moon coming out from behind the clouds and shining.
In the end, Atom Seven and the moon knew that they were lucky to have found each other, and they danced by the light of the sun till the end of time…
MOON TALKS art installation invites its participants to reflect on the influence of the Moon on our daily lives. For centuries, humans have been aware of the Moon’s impact on the Earth, from the tides to our moods and circumstances.
The Moon’s schedule is constant, yet modern society has become detached from this natural rhythm. Through Moon Talks, the installation aims to rekindle our connection with the Moon and rediscover the wisdom it has to offer.
In many cultures, the Moon has traditionally been associated with femininity and the divine feminine. However, a feminist approach would argue that this association has often been reduced to a mere symbol of femininity, rather than being seen as a powerful force in its own right.
Moon Talks art installation emphasis on the connection between the Moon and the sacred feminine and seeks to rekindle this connection and highlight its importance.
With a lens of critical consciousness, examining the ways in which traditional interpretations of the Moon have often perpetuated patriarchal and oppressive norms. This art installation offers a powerful tool for fostering critical consciousness, and encourages us to work towards creating a more equitable and just world, specially by respecting women’s blood moon cycles.
The Moon’s cycle is divided into four quarters, each lasting approximately seven days. These quarters are marked by four pivots: the New Moon, the First Quarter, the Full Moon, and the Last Quarter.
Each pivot represents a unique energy and can be leveraged to align our activities with the lunar rhythm. For example, the New Moon is a time of spontaneous adventure and self-discovery, while the Full Moon everywhere, everyone enjoys a delicious peak in receptivity and in light.
Moon Talks encourages participants to reclaim the richness of Moon time by aligning our activities with the appropriate lunar week. Simple rituals, such as meditation or journaling, can help to strengthen this connection. For example, during the First Quarter Moon, one can reflect on challenges and commit to new actions, while during the Full Moon, one can gather with others and connect with the abundant moon light energy.
The lunar rhythm also affects our physical bodies, with the waxing and waning of the Moon affecting the flow of energy and life force. Moon Talks reminds us to follow this natural rhythm by completing projects after the Full Moon and resting during the Last Quarter.
Through Moon Talks, we can rediscover the intuition and intelligence of the Moon, and the wisdom it has to offer. By aligning our activities with the lunar rhythm, we can tap into the natural planetary pulse and enhance our sense of place and time.
By appreciating the Moon time, we can embrace the ever-larger circles of mystery that surround us. Much more than keeping to a list of Moon rules, the old ones danced in rhythm to their surroundings… we would see this as a way of reclaiming our relationship with the natural world, which has often been severed by patriarchal cultural norms that value control and domination over the natural environment. By living more in tune with the universe, we can enhance our sense of place and time, and deepen our connection to the sacred feminine and masculine.
In conclusion, Moon Talks is an art installation that invites us to reflect on the influence of the Moon on our daily lives and rediscover the wisdom it has to offer. By aligning our activities with the lunar rhythm, we can tap into the natural planetary pulse and deepen our connection with the Earth and the entire cosmos. By embracing this natural rhythm, we can live more in tune with the universe and express our gratitude for this place and this time here and now.
Atom Seven
Berlin 2023
Moon Talks Drawings
Digital Photography printed on Hahnemühle Studio Enhanced (210g)
Dim 113 x 150 cm